3 Best Los Angeles

Grief Therapists

Takeaway: Loss can deeply impact our emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being. With the support of a trusted grief counselor, you can make sense of your experience and discover how to grow forward. 

Grief is an intrinsic part of the human experience, a profound and complex emotion that arises in response to loss. It is a universal phenomenon that impacts every individual at some point in their lives, regardless of culture, age, or background. Whether brought on by the death of a loved one, the end of a significant relationship/marriage, the loss of a dream or opportunity, or the lack of a healthy body, grief manifests in myriad ways, affecting our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. At Spaces, we want to provide you with the support to navigate your grief and move toward healing. 


If you feel overwhelmed and struggling to cope with grief, we can help.

Navigating grief is a deeply personal journey and there is no singular way you are suppose to grieve. However, the grieving process is painful and can leave you feeling anger, sadness, or even depression. At Spaces we want to provide a supportive space that allows you to show up however you need to. If you feel stuck or overwhelming sadness, recognize that the loss you've experienced has been life changing. Grief can lead to feeing disconnected from ourselves, from our relationships, and from the world around us. A grief counselor can help you make sense of your own life, work with you to develop language that helps name your experience, and assist you with developing coping skills to ultimately help you better connect with yourself and others.

If you have any questions please contact us or:


Why choose Spaces Therapy for couple therapy in Los Angeles

Why choose Spaces Therapy for grief counseling in Los Angeles

Spaces Therapy is a relational psychotherapy practice based in Highland Park, Los Angeles:

Finding the right therapist for you can be daunting. It's important to be able to find a therapist that can provide a safe space for you to feel supported. We differentiate ourselves as a practice by our adherence and belief in relationship oriented therapy. While it is true that all therapy is inherently relational, we believe that the safety and relationship between a client and therapist is fundamental to the work itself. This means that above the therapeutic framework (the type of therapy from which a therapist is practicing) a relational therapist works to deepen and create a meaningful relationship with the client. It could be argued that this is important in any type of therapy, but for a relational therapist, having trust and safety in the room is fundamental to allowing the client to experience change. Whether you're in Studio City, Santa Monica, Beverly Hills, Marina Del Rey, or elsewhere in Los Angeles, Spaces provides both in person therapy and Telehealth services. Grief can be leave you feeling disconnected, frozen, and stuck. At Spaces, we hope to be a supportive space for you to process your grief.

Spaces Therapy is a group practice that values empowerment, inclusivity, and sustainability.

  • Empowerment: We aim to empower local and global communities by donating a portion of each session fee to the Loveland Foundation as well as one other charity each month, based on the current needs within our country and world. We aim to create an environment that leaves minimal impact on our planet. We source furniture and supplies that are gently used and earth-friendly. We also believe in sustainable living and promote balance for our team and our clients.

  • Sustainability: We aim to create an environment that leaves minimal impact on our planet. We source furniture and supplies that are gently used and earth-friendly. We also believe in sustainable living and promote balance for our team and our clients.

  • Inclusivity: We aim to create a culture where all people are welcome. We work with, and strive to hire, persons of all gender identities, sexual orientations, and cultural or ethnic backgrounds.

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3 top-rated grief counselors in Los Angeles

Janie Glassmith

I’m Janie, founder of Spaces Therapy, supervisor, licensed marriage & family therapist (CA 93106, NY 002018-01, TX 204374, WA LF61192973), and relationship specialist. I have a gentle and collaborative style and work with everyone from stressed-out womxn, to men working on relationship issues, to people who simply need a little help transitioning from the hopes in their head to their daily reality. In my spare time, I can be found sampling coffee shops, rewatching (and rewatching) The Office, or traveling the world (mostly to see loved ones) with my husband.

- B.S. in Psychology with emphasis in Counseling
- M.S. in Marital and Family Therapy
- Brainspotting Level I Trained


Providing therapy since 2014

Mi Ae Kim

I’m Mi Ae, a licensed marriage & family therapist (#135709) and AACAST Certified Couples and Sex Therapist. I cultivate a curious and non-judgmental stance while developing an insight-oriented, relational, and attachment-based approach. I aim to honor, validate, and welcome the uniqueness of each person’s diverse experiences into a space with warmth, empathy, and authenticity.  I strive to help my clients discover themselves, gain insight into their relational patterns, and heal from their wounds to ultimately experience deeper intimacy, and connectedness while living their most authentic selves. I also believe in providing my clients with the space in which their sufferings and struggles can be recognized, named, explored, and grieved.

License #135709

Telehealth and in person

Providing grief therapy since 2018

Morgan Dixon

I’m Morgan, a licensed marriage & family therapist (#143871) . My hope for clients is that they will grow deeper into the fullness of themselves and their relationships. I am particularly interested in the interconnection between our minds and bodies and approach therapy from an experiential and relational perspective. On a more personal note, I love getting lost in long articles and random creative projects. I also have a major salt tooth and would choose french fries over a cookie any day.

B.F.A. in Interdisciplinary Studio Art
M.S. in Marriage and Family Therapy, emphasis in Medical Family Therapy
Level II Restoration Therapist


Telehealth and in person

Providing grief therapy since 2020

 FAQs about grief therapy in Los Angeles

  • While closely related, grief and mourning are often used interchangeably. However, there is a slight difference between grief and mourning. Grief are the feelings that occur before, during, or after a loss, while mourning is way feelings of grief are shown to others. It's the outward expression of the grief. This can be more formal such as a ceremony (ex. spreading of ashes, attending a wake, etc), but it can also be simply how you move through the grief. It is the process of adjusting to your life after loss and moving through the world with your new reality.

  • There really is no timeline for grief counseling. Whether you are anticipating a loss or have already lost a loved one, it can be beneficial to have a space for you to navigate your grief. Each individual has their own experience, their own set of needs, and their own reaction to a major loss. It can feel overwhelming and paralyzing. It can create conflict in your relationships or marriage or make your face your own mortality. Every person has their own way of responding and coping with loss. Your needs and journey around grief will be unique to your story. We want to invite you into healing at whatever point and whenever you are ready.

  • Description tThere are a variety of different mental health professionals that can walk alongside you as you process grief. For some, a therapist might see you and your partner for marriage counseling as you manage the grieving process together. For others, they might want to have their own individual therapy. While there are some therapists that specialize in grief, most mental health professionals can provide grief counseling. There are several different types of licenses that can provide you with professional help including social workers, marriage and family therapists, clinical counselors, and psychology doctorates. While credentials are important, they are only one aspect of finding the right therapist. At Spaces, we highly value pairing you with a therapist that is the best fit for you and for your needs.ext goes here

 Our Los Angeles grief counselors can give you the support you need to navigate loss. 

 Grief can be such a difficult and isolating experience. Here at Spaces Therapy, we want to be a resource and a safe space for you to process your loss, manage any symptoms, help give you clarity and language around what you are experiencing, and provide any tools and skills for moving toward healing. We’ll start with a consultation to get to know you and your partner and walk you through our process. Then, we will define goals and determine the best course of action in your first session. We tend to meet once a week for 45 minutes. If you have questions about our services or how we can support you, reach out to us. Ready to get started?  Book a consultation.

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Make space to grow
